We need you at the 2024 Strut on Saturday, September 28. The festival is bigger than ever, and that means we need more volunteers than ever! Sign up here.
We’ll match your 2-hour Strut volunteer shift with a donation to another local nonprofit to the tune of $50, or $100 if you take on a shutdown shift.
Want to do a bit more? The Strut is a nonprofit run by volunteers, and we’re always in need of people to recruit sponsors, and also happy to have anybody who can make a creative idea a reality to make the Strut even better. Contact us at info@eastatlantastrut.com!
The Strut also loves voluntary donations. (See what we did there?) You can do that here.
Since it began in 1998, the Strut has donated thousands of dollars to local nonprofits, including those listed below. Check our grants page in December to apply for your nonprofit to join this list.
Atlanta Fire Station 13
Atlanta Rescue Dog Cafe
Blessing Bags of Warmth For The Homeless
Branan Towers
Burgess Peterson Academy Art program
Burgess Peterson Academy Garden program
Burgess Peterson Academy Music program
Center for Puppetry Arts, Inc.
Community Farmers Market
East Atlanta Kids Club, Inc.
East Atlanta Community Association
East Lake Family YMCA
Friends of East Atlanta Library
Giving Kitchen
Historic Sylvester Cemetery
King Middle School PTSA
Maynard Jackson High School Arts Boosters
Maynard Jackson High School Chorus
Maynard Jackson High School Fine Arts
Maynard Jackson High School Marching Band
Maynard Jackson High School PTSA
Maynard Jackson High School National Art Honor Society
Maynard Jackson High School Theater Arts Boosters
Maynard Jackson High School Theater Department
McNair High School Band
Neighbor In Need East Atlanta (East Atlanta Community Association)
Pet Buddies of Atlanta
Save Ormewood Forest
Save the Old Atlanta Prison Farm
Southeast Llama Rescue
The Gwen Fund
The Porch Press Inc.
Tommy’s Holiday Fund
Questions about the Strut? Check the FAQ and About pages or contact info@eastatlantastrut.com