Leaf Blower Madness Tournament

This year’s tournament will be Saturday, September 28, at 1 p.m. at the Midway Pub. Register below.

This is a contest for weekend warriors obsessed with tidy sidewalks and driveways. This is a test of skill, not power or decibels! Contestants use their leaf blowers to propel an object through an obstacle course.

So tune up your battery-powered blower and sign up for a spot on the tournament bracket. Winner gets fame, glory and a $100 gift card.

The Midway Pub and its bocce courts will host this chance at prizes and neighborhood fame!

Questions about the Strut? Check the FAQ and About pages or contact info@eastatlantastrut.com

Leaf Blower Madness
Format: 999-999-9999
Note: There is no entry fee, but to keep the Strut solvent, please consider donating to the Strut.

By submitting this form, to follow any applicable laws and any guidelines set by the Strut.

By submitting this form, you agree that when you participate in the Strut Leaf Blower Madness contest, you are solely responsible for your own safety and will use your leaf blower in a responsible manner that will not endanger spectators.

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