The Strut welcomes vendors, and so do Strut attendees!
This year, on Saturday, September 28, we will have artists markets from noon until 6 p.m. at the Southern Feedstore, on Portland Avenue and on Metropolitan Avenue. Spots are $150 for SFS and Portland, and $100 for Metropolitan.
Fees are half price for nonprofits; let us know your nonprofit status in the notes field on the form. If you’ve received a grant from the Strut in the past, see below for a special booth opportunity.
Once we have accepted your application, you’ll receive a PayPal invoice. The deadline to apply was August 16 at 8 a.m.. You’ll be notified no later than August 20.
We’ll have a limited number of spots in the heart of the Strut on Flat Shoals and Glenwood avenues. Most are reserved for sponsors, but if you’re one of the vetted nonprofits who’s received a Strut grant, we’re offering you a chance to have one of these spots at no charge.
If you’d like to be a sponsor, please register here.
Questions about the Strut? Check the FAQ and About pages or contact info@eastatlantastrut.com.