Show off your Garden

Tour Information | Show Off Your Garden | Buy Tickets

Show off your green thumbs!

Apply below to join the Pushing Up Daisies Garden Tour.

Judges will award prizes to gardens in three categories: Natural, Traditional and EAV Eclectic.

Open your garden to visitors from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, then head to Sylvester Cemetery to explore and party. Each tour garden will receive two tickets to the live music and drinks at the cemetery.

Application deadline is April 10. We’ll let you know by April 15 if you’re selected to be part of the tour.

Don’t have a green thumb but know a neighbor who does? Nominate them by sending their address to We’ll see if they want to join the fun.

Garden Tour Entry
Address (You must live within East Atlanta Community Association boundaries) *
Address (You must live within East Atlanta Community Association boundaries)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Garden Visitation Time *
We’ll have winners in each of these categories. Choose yours. *

By submitting this form, you agree that your garden tour will be safe and legal and will follow any official guidelines and CDC recommendations regarding COVID that are in place on the day of the event.

You agree that you are responsible for what happens on your private property and that the Strut/Pushing Up Daisies committee is serving only as a facilitator to connect garden lovers with other gardeners, and to publicize activities on the day.

You agree that your garden is open to people you don’t know. You can report problems to Pushing Up Daisies volunteers or, if necessary, to the police.

You agree to provide receptacles for and properly dispose of trash and recyclables.

Agreement Checkbox *