Strut Your Street From A-Z

There are as many ways to join the Strut Your Street as there are houses in East Atlanta! Here’s a list of possibilities from A to Z:

Art project – Have neighbors help create something to decorate the neighborhood, or ask the Strut to pair you with an artist.

Band on the lawn (or bouncy house!)

Cornhole tournament (or conga line!) (or crafting class!)


Egg race


Game show

Host a Strut artist booth or an artist friend of your own.

Invent a game and have a tournament.

Junk collection – Gather your neighbors’ junk and reuse it artistically, or volunteer to take it to CHARM for recycling.

Karate exhibition

Leaf blower tournament (or lemonade stand!) (or giant LEGO sculpture!)

Maze (or mini-golf!)

Nerf dodgeball tournament

Open mic for comics

Pet adoption – Partner with a local rescue group.

Queens of the Strut – Invite them for a round of bingo!

Relay races

Scavenger hunt

Teach a class based on one of your hobbies.

Ukulele players wearing unicorn horns while riding unicycles

Voter registration booth

Water balloon toss

Xylophone performance

Yard sale – One house or the whole block. Donate some of the proceeds to the Strut or another nonprofit.

Zombie prom